Sikkim Tamang Youth Society

STYS is a non profitable, non political and non governmental youth organization led with the full initiative of educated people for saving customs & traditions, inspiring the youths of this generation & promoting our community around the world.
Founded in end of 2011 Sikkim Tamang Youth Society is a non profitable, non political and non governmental youth organization led with the full initiative of educated, creative and talented Sikkimese Tamang youths having similar aim and vision towards the Tamang society is stepping forward around Sikkim. STYS work at the grassroots level youths believing that the change from the bottom will bring
effective, equitable and sustainable results.
STYS also working to empowering young people by building their capacity to achieve greater independence, overcoming constraints to their participation and providing them with opportunities to make decisions that affect their lives and well being. STYS believe that empowering young people is the process of enhancing the capacity of individual or group to make choices and to transform those choices into desired actions and outcome.
STYS wants active-social Tamang Youths of Sikkim should join in this society for the upliftment of the community as a whole.
For Queries: [email protected]
तामाङ समाज, खबर/गतिबिधि

पत्रकार दीपेन्द्र दोङको निधन
March 26, 2023
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सोनाम ल्होछार बृहत साँस्कृतिक साँझ–२०२३, जापान
January 17, 2023
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नेपाल तामाङ घेदुङ इजरायलको आठौं आदिवेशन हुदै
October 14, 2022
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नेपाल तामाङ समाज जापानको १२ औं वार्षिकोत्सब सम्पन्न,भाषाविद योन्जनद्धारा लिखित”तामाङ ताम”विमोचित
December 20, 2021
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तामाङ चिकित्सक समाजलाई कोरोना स्वास्थ्य अभियानको लागि आर्थिक हस्तान्तरण
May 30, 2021
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